Christmastime In Calcutta In The 1950s

Christmastime In Calcutta

Christmastime in Calcutta in the 1950s was like no other. We celebrated Christmas in a big way. As Anglo-Indians, it took on a whole different dimension! Preparations began at least 60 days before Christmas. It started with the planning of the Christmas Cake. What kind of decorations we would use in the home? This led … Read more

Growing Up Anglo-Indian In Calcutta

Growing Up Anglo Indian

Some may wonder what being an Anglo-Indian means. Thankfully Wikipedia provides the answer. I highly recommend reading it. I’d like to share my view when I was a child. This is a continuation of my earlier post, Childhood Memories Of Calcutta In The 1950s. We spoke only English at home. Our parents and we wore … Read more

Childhood Memories Of Calcutta In The 1950s

Childhood Memories Of Calcutta

Have you visited Calcutta? A lot has changed since I roamed the streets as a kid in the 1950s. Yet, much remains the same. Using my childhood memories of Calcutta, I would like to share how I was able to make life fun when life was much simpler than today. There was no TV. No … Read more